Prostate Health Checks




To mark ‘Movember’ we’ve teamed up with Wessex Cancer Alliance to launch a free NHS initiative to provide targeted prostate health checks to eligible patients registered at Solent GP Surgery.

Research has shown there is evidence of a higher risk of prostate problems (including cancer) in men who are black. We will therefore be inviting registered patients of the surgery who:

  • Are aged between 45-80,
  • Are black African, black Caribbean or black British,
  • Do not have a current prostate cancer diagnosis
  • Have not had a recent PSA blood test
  • And, are not undergoing active cancer treatment.

Prostate Health Checks

The health check is designed to pick up any problems with the prostate at an early stage, even if you don’t have any symptoms. If problems are detected early, any treatment needed is likely to be simpler and more successful.


What will happen during the prostate health check?

During the health check patients will have a brief discussion with our Advanced Nurse Practitioner- Josh, who will take details of any family history of prostate problems and patients will be asked to complete a short questionnaire about symptoms.

Eligible patients will also be offered a blood test called a PSA test. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is something made by the prostate gland. High PSA levels may be a sign of prostate cancer, a noncancerous condition such as prostatitis, or an enlarged prostate gland. It is best to identify any of these conditions at an early stage when they are most treatable.

Josh will contact you to let you know the results of the health check and may invite you for a follow up appointment with a GP from the practice, or an onward referral. Invite letters and text messages will be sent out shortly to all patients that are eligible.

A quote from Josh “1 in 8 men in the UK will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. It is really important we raise awareness of the possible symptoms and encourage men to come forwards to talk about their health. Symptoms such as needing to urinate frequently or needing to get up during the night, blood in the urine or semen, straining or weak flow whilst urinating may be signs of prostate cancer. Please do come in and get checked. A simple questionnaire and blood test is all that is required at this stage. Do not be embarrassed- your health is important.”

For more information, please phone the surgery on 0300 123 7651 and leave a message for Josh Young (Advanced Nurse Practitioner).

For more information on Wessex Cancer Alliance and their different projects regarding cancer please visit their website

And, for more information about ‘Movember’ and projects to improve the health and wellbeing of men please visit their website

Published: Nov 1, 2021