Privacy Notice - GP Working Feedback




Solent GP Practice are required to and want to seek patient feedback, following a patient’s interaction with the GP Practice.

Type of personal information being processed

The information that is collated is as follows:

To collate feedback

  • Name
  • DOB
  • Contact number / email address 
  • Date of interaction with the GP Practice


  • Patient feedback

How we obtain the personal information and why we have it?

The information obtained to send patients requests for feedback / collate feedback, is obtained direct from the patient’s GP medical records. Feedback is obtained direct from the patient.


Legal basis

The legal basis for obtaining the above information from patients is 6 (1)(c) – processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject


How we store your personal information?

The information is held on a secure and encrypted system called Working Feedback, which is hosted on behalf of Solent GP Surgery, by Working Feedback Healthcare Ltd. Patients identifiable data is held on the system for 28 days. Patient feedback, which is then anonymised, is held on the system for 8 years.


Who has access to your information / who do we share it with?

Staff within the GP Practice, who are required to collate and review patient feedback
Staff within Working Feedback, supporting the collation of patient feedback (who are contracted by Solent GP Surgery to collate this information on Solent GP Surgery’s behalf).